Barry only talked about the money he got from the advertising on the forum. I think he forgot a big chunk of it. You need proof? Just look at the Tyler Show countdown.
I made one donation a few months ago... because I read a thread about donations, and it kind of convinced me. I'm probably not the only one in that case.
I gave money for a bonus show too... because of a thread on the forum.
My point is, we give money because it's a community. Now, the BKRS is not a community anymore, so there is no point donating or buying On Demand.
The truth is:
As I wrote in the "
" thread:
I predict that this new forum will get much bigger than the old forum, now that Barry isn't going to be able to hold us back anymore. It may even be better for Barry in the long run because he's still relevant to this forum, which will help lead people to his show.
![]() Quote:
Come on !
Step up and be a man! You said